Eric Church - Carolina

Release date: 2009-03-24
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Ain't Killed Me Yet3'22$1.29
2.Lotta Boot Left to Fill3'24$1.29
3.Young and Wild3'15$1.29
4.Where She Told Me to Go4'48$1.29
5.Longer Gone3'08$1.29
6.Love Your Love the Most2'50$1.29
7.Smoke a Little Smoke3'11$1.29
8.Without You Here2'42$1.29
9.You Make It Look So Easy4'15$1.29
11.Hell On the Heart2'44$1.29
12.Those I've Loved5'03$1.29
13.Leave My Willie Alone3'36$1.29

Chart history in United States

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

Chart history in other countries

Chart history in Cayman Islands

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

Chart history in Romania

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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