Bonnie Raitt - The Best of Bonnie Raitt On Capitol 1989-2003

Release date: 2003-09-18
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Thing Called Love3'50$1.29
2.Nick of Time4'05$1.29
3.Love Letter4'05$1.29
4.Have a Heart4'48$1.29
5.Something to Talk About3'47
6.I Can't Make You Love Me5'31
7.Not the Only One4'10$1.29
8.Love Sneakin' Up On You3'40$1.29
10.Dimming of the Day3'39$1.29
11.Love Me Like a Man4'48$1.29
12.Spit of Love4'41$1.29
13.One Belief Away3'57$1.29
14.Lover's Will3'37$1.29
15.I Can't Help You Now3'12$1.29
16.Gnawin' On It4'48$1.29
17.Silver Lining3'37$1.29
18.Hear Me Lord5'33$1.29

Chart history in United States

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

Chart history in other countries

Chart history in Canada

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Chart history in United Kingdom

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Chart history in Qatar

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