Toby Fox - Deltarune Chapter 2 (Original Game Soundtrack)

Release date: 2021-09-17
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Faint Glow1'17$0.99
2.Girl Next Door0'54$0.99
3.My Castle Town2'07$0.99
6.A Cyber's World?2'46$0.99
7.A Simple Diversion0'31$0.99
8.Almost to the Guys!0'17$0.99
9.Cool Beat0'17$0.99
10.When I Get Mad I Dance Like This0'10$0.99
11.Cyber Battle (Solo) [feat. Lena Raine]1'47$0.99
12.When I Get Happy I Dance Like This0'19$0.99
13.Sound Studio1'08$0.99
15.Smart Race1'06$0.99
16.Faint Courage (Game over)0'52$0.99
17.Welcome to the City1'54$0.99
18.Mini Studio0'51$0.99
19.Holiday Studio1'08$0.99
20.Cool Mixtape0'26$0.99
21.Hey Every !0'18$0.99
23.Now's Your Chance to Be A1'07$0.99
24.Elegant Entrance1'18$0.99
25.Bluebird of Misfortune0'49$0.99
26.Pandora Palace1'39$0.99
28.Acid Tunnel of Love1'30$0.99
29.It's Pronounced "Rules"1'01$0.99
30.Lost Girl1'20$0.99
31.Ferris Wheel1'19$0.99
32.Attack of the Killer Queen (feat. Lena Raine & Marcy Nabors)2'00$0.99
33.Giga Size1'47$0.99
34.Powers Combined0'16$0.99
35.Knock You Down !!2'26$0.99
36.The Dark Truth1'12$0.99
37.Digital Roots0'33$0.99
38.Deal Gone Wrong0'31$0.99
39.Big Shot2'22$0.99
40.A Real Boy!0'15$0.99
43.Chill Jailbreak Alarm to Study and Relax To0'24$0.99
44.You Can Always Come Home1'40$0.99
45.Until Next Time (feat. Laura Shigihara)1'02$0.99
46.Before the Story1'28$0.99
47.Berdly (Rejected Concept)0'20$0.99

Chart history in United States

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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Chart history in Turkey

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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