Charity Gayle - Endless Praise

Release date: 2021-09-10
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.You Have Made Me Glad5'55$1.29
2.New Name Written Down in Glory (feat. David Gentiles)4'21$1.29
3.Thank You Jesus for the Blood5'32$1.29
4.We Need a Miracle5'32$1.29
5.I Speak Jesus (feat. Steven Musso)7'49$1.29
6.Endless Praise8'32$1.29
7.Throne Room Song (feat. Ryan Kennedy)6'31$1.29
8.Holy Ground3'47$1.29
9.How I Love to Worship You6'30$1.29
10.I Worship You Almighty God1'46$1.29
11.Echo (In Jesus Name)5'20$1.29
12.Living in the Overflow (feat. Joshua Sherman)6'03$1.29

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