Alan Jackson - Where Have You Gone

Release date: 2021-05-14
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Where Have You Gone4'46
2.Wishful Drinkin'3'50$0.00
3.I Can Be That Something4'40$0.00
4.Where The Cottonwood Grows3'01$0.00
5.Way Down In My Whiskey3'56$1.29
6.Things That Matter3'42$1.29
7.Livin' On Empty4'31$0.00
8.You'll Always Be My Baby (Written for Daughters' Weddings)3'46$0.00
9.Where Her Heart Has Always Been (Written for Mama’s funeral with an old recording of her reading from the Bible)3'27$0.00
10.The Boot3'24$0.00
12.Write It In Red4'15$0.00
13.So Late So Soon3'46$0.00
14.This Heart Of Mine3'18$0.00
15.A Man Who Never Cries4'55$0.00
17.I Was Tequila5'10$0.00
18.I Do (Written for Daughters' Weddings)2'51$0.00
19.That's The Way Love Goes (A Tribute To Merle Haggard)3'04$0.00
21.The Older I Get3'49$0.00

Chart history in United States

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