Claudia Oshry - Disgraced Queen

Release date: 2020-07-03
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Calling All Kyles2'12$1.29
2.The J Word3'56$1.29
3.Facetune is My Friend1'55$1.29
4.Almost Famous2'36$1.29
5.Madam President4'07$1.29
6.Me, Myself & Mariska Hargitay4'03$1.29
7.Let Me Explain2'39$1.29
8.Club Rat in Training4'15$1.29
9.The Incident Featuring Cuba Gooding Jr.4'49$1.29
10.My Butthole: a Star is Born2'36$1.29
11.Paul Giamatti, Big Fat Liar3'41$1.29
12.Fourth Grade Gwnj4'18$1.29
13.The "Poem"3'49$1.29
14.Drinking to Live (Living to Drink)5'19$1.29
15.Don't Ever Leave the Airport4'12$1.29
16.An Ode to Flight Attendants4'13$1.29
17.They Weigh You in Prison?3'41$1.29
18.Control, P4'38$1.29

Chart history in United States

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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Chart history in Netherlands

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