Tenille Townes - The Lemonade Stand

Release date: 2020-06-26
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Holding Out for the One3'13$1.29
2.Where You Are4'21$1.29
3.Jersey on the Wall4'05$1.29
5.White Horse4'05$1.29
6.I Kept the Roses4'01$1.29
7.When I Meet My Maker3'34
8.Come as You Are3'08$1.29
9.The Way You Look Tonight (feat. Keelan Donovan)4'18$1.29
10.Find You3'00$1.29
11.Somebody's Daughter3'46$1.29
12.The Most Beautiful Things3'57$1.29

Chart history in United States

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