Jimmy Buffett - Life on the Flip Side

Release date: 2020-05-29
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Down at the Lah De Dah3'19$1.29
2.Who Gets to Live Like This3'02$1.29
3.The Devil I Know2'58$1.29
4.The Slow Lane4'10$1.29
5.Cussin' Island4'54$1.29
6.Oceans of Time3'31$1.29
7.Hey, That's My Wave4'26$1.29
8.The World is What You Make It3'43$1.29
9.Half Drunk3'53$1.29
10.Mailbox Money4'19$1.29
11.Slack Tide4'16$1.29
12.Live, Like It's Your Last Day3'57$1.29
13.15 Cuban Minutes5'14$1.29
14.Book on the Shelf3'23$1.29

Chart history in United States

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