Aesop Rock - Freedom Finger (Music from the Game)

Release date: 2020-04-07
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Play Dead3'22$1.29
3.Drums on the Wheel3'45$1.29
4.Play Dead (Instrumental)3'22$1.29
5.KOWP (Instrumental)3'35$1.29
6.Drums on the Wheel (Instrumental)3'44$1.29
7.Rat Skull0'26$1.29
9.Twice Fried0'18$1.29
10.Frozen Caveman0'22$1.29

Chart history in United States

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

Chart history in other countries

Chart history in Canada

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

Chart history in Denmark

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

Chart history in Netherlands

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

Chart history in New Zealand

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

Chart history in Sweden

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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