Katherine Jenkins - Cinema Paradiso

Release date: 2020-07-10
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.When You Wish Upon A Star (From ''Pinocchio'')4'10$1.29
2.Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Somewhere Far Away) [From ''Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence'']4'07$1.29
3.Cinema Paradiso (From ''Cinema Paradiso'')3'30$1.29
4.I'll Never Love Again (From "A Star Is Born")4'22$1.29
5.Moon River (From ''Breakfast At Tiffany's'')3'34$1.29
6.Singin' In The Rain (From ''Singin' In The Rain'')3'14$1.29
7.West Side Story (Somewhere/Tonight) [From ''West Side Story'']5'56$1.29
8.Danny Boy (From ''Memphis Belle'')3'52$1.29
9.Schindler’s List (From ''Schindler's List'')4'01$1.29
10.The Rose (From ''The Rose'')3'35$1.29
11.May It Be (From ''Lord Of The Rings'')3'55$1.29
12.Here’s To The Heroes (From ''Dances With Wolves'')3'51$1.29
13.The Rose (From ''The Rose'')3'36$1.29
14.Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Somewhere Far Away) [From ''Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence'']4'07$1.29
15.Cinema Paradiso (From ''Cinema Paradiso'')3'32$1.29

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