George Strait - Pure Country (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture)

Release date: 1992-01-01
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
2.Baby Your Baby2'44$1.29
3.I Cross My Heart3'32$1.29
4.When Did You Stop Loving Me2'50$1.29
5.She Lays It All On the Line2'32$0.99
6.Overnight Male2'36$1.29
7.Last In Love3'37$1.29
8.Thoughts of a Fool2'14$0.99
9.The King of Broken Hearts3'09$1.29
10.Where the Sidewalk Ends3'10$1.29
11.Heartland (Main Title Sequence)2'44$1.29

Chart history in United States

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Chart history in other countries

Chart history in Bolivia

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Chart history in Belize

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Chart history in Ireland

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Chart history in Jordan

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Chart history in Mongolia

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Chart history in Philippines

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Chart history in Slovenia

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