John Prine - The Tree of Forgiveness

Release date: 2018-04-13
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Knockin' on Your Screen Door2'19
2.I Have Met My Love Today1'50$1.29
3.Egg & Daughter Nite, Lincoln Nebraska, 1967 (Crazy Bone)4'05$1.29
4.Summer's End3'29
5.Caravan of Fools2'28$1.29
6.Lonesome Friends of Science4'41$1.29
7.No Ordinary Blue2'56$1.29
8.Boundless Love3'35$1.29
9.God Only Knows3'46$1.29
10.When I Get to Heaven3'42

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