John Prine - September 78 (Live)

Release date: 2015-04-18
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Often Is a Word I Seldom Use3'07$1.29
2.Angel from Montgomery3'56$1.29
3.Crooked Piece of Time2'53$1.29
4.I Had a Dream2'37$1.29
5.Try to Find Another Man3'38$1.29
6.Pretty Good5'05$1.29
7.Iron Ore Betty3'39$1.29
8.Please Don't Bury Me2'35$1.29
9.Treat Me Nice2'18$1.29
10.Sweet Revenge2'58$1.29

Chart history in United States

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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