John Prine - Live on Tour

Release date: 1997-04-08
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Picture Show3'55$1.29
2.Quit Hollerin' at Me6'10$1.29
3.You Got Gold4'56$1.29
4.Unwed Fathers3'01$1.29
5.Space Monkey5'12$1.29
6.The Late John Garfield Blues4'11$1.29
7.Storm Windows4'32$1.29
8.Jesus, the Missing Years6'39$1.29
9.Humidity Built the Snowman4'51$1.29
10.Illegal Smile4'33$1.29
11.Daddy's Little Pumkin3'38$1.29
12.Lake Marie8'49$1.29
13.If I Could3'11$1.29
14.Stick a Needle in My Eye3'06$1.29
15.You Mean So Much to Me4'14$1.29

Chart history in United States

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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Chart history in Sweden

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