John Prine - Souvenirs

Release date: 2000-10-31
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
2.Fish and Whistle3'00$1.29
3.Far from Me5'09$1.29
4.Angel from Montgomery5'07$1.29
5.Donald and Lydia4'09$1.29
6.Christmas in Prison3'36$1.29
7.Storm Windows4'26$1.29
8.Grandpa Was a Carpenter2'52$1.29
9.The Late John Garfield Blues3'46$1.29
10.Blue Umbrella3'53$1.29
11.Six O'Clock News4'36$1.29
12.People Puttin' People Down4'00$1.29
13.Sam Stone4'39$1.29
14.Please Don't Bury Me3'06$1.29
15.Hello in There4'57$1.29

Chart history in United States

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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Chart history in Canada

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Chart history in Sweden

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