John Prine - Standard Songs for Average People

Release date: 2007-04-24
Country: United States

TrackTitlePricePeak chart position
iTunesApple music
1.Blue Eyed Elaine2'34$1.29
2.Don't Be Ashamed of Your Age2'26$1.29
3.I Forgot to Remember to Forget3'01$1.29
4.I Love You Because4'22$1.29
5.Pistol Packin' Mama2'43$1.29
6.Saginaw Michigan2'55$1.29
7.Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine4'36$1.29
8.Old Cape Cod2'25$1.29
9.Death of Floyd Collins3'25$1.29
10.The Blue Side of Lonesome4'09$1.29
11.In the Garden3'08$1.29
12.Just the Other Side of Nowhere2'36$1.29
13.Old Rugged Cross3'31$1.29
14.Where the Blue of the Night3'01$1.29

Chart history in United States

DateiTunes MusicApple Music

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