아일리원 (ILY:1)

Username: fcenm_ily1
Last update: 2024-02-27
Followers: 57,416
Following: 8 (Elva용, fcenm_official, Hayase Hana, ILY:1 Japan, 나유, 로나 Rona🍄, 리리카 𝓡𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓴𝓪, 핑크토끼공주 아라, 하나 早瀬華)
ILY:1(아일리원) Official Instagram
Number of posts: 12
Number of posts (past 30 days): 0 (0 posts/day)
#226 most followed group in the world!.
#135 most followed group in South Korea .

Most popular post:

막방까지 함께해주고 응원해준 온리원들 덕분에 이번 활동도 무사히 완료🩵
우리 이제 11월 11일 팬미팅때 만나요💗

#아일리원 #ILY1
(Date: 2023-11-08 16:14:02 Likes: 2,419 Comments: 32 Engagement: 4.3%)

Likes: 894 Comments: 12 Eng.: 1.6%

Likes: 2,048 Comments: 16 Eng.: 3.6%

Likes: 1,024 Comments: 13 Eng.: 1.8%

Likes: 936 Comments: 8 Eng.: 1.6%

Likes: 1,351 Comments: 10 Eng.: 2.4%

Likes: 1,178 Comments: 16 Eng.: 2.1%

Likes: 1,671 Comments: 16 Eng.: 2.9%

Likes: 2,419 Comments: 32 Eng.: 4.3%

Likes: 1,406 Comments: 15 Eng.: 2.5%

Likes: 1,134 Comments: 7 Eng.: 2.0%

Likes: 1,356 Comments: 18 Eng.: 2.4%

Likes: 1,095 Comments: 12 Eng.: 1.9%

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