United States Tennis Association (USTA) The official YouTube channel of the United States Tennis Association (USTA). Growing tennis to inspire healthier people and communities everywhere.
Youtube channel: United States Tennis Association (USTA) Created: January 31, 2006
Subscriber count: 137,000
Country rank by subscribers: 4436
Channel views: 187,996,422
Country rank by views: 2591
Channel videos: 3,730
Date Subscribers Channel views Videos
Mon 2025-02-03 137,000 187,326,545 +28,634 3,717
Tue 2025-02-04 137,000 187,361,306 +34,761 3,717
Wed 2025-02-05 137,000 187,386,919 +25,613 3,718
Thu 2025-02-06 137,000 187,411,006 +24,087 3,718
Fri 2025-02-07 137,000 187,431,492 +20,486 3,719
Sat 2025-02-08 137,000 187,454,137 +22,645 3,720
Sun 2025-02-09 137,000 187,470,177 +16,040 3,721
Mon 2025-02-10 137,000 187,499,072 +28,895 3,721
Tue 2025-02-11 137,000 187,521,818 +22,746 3,722
Wed 2025-02-12 137,000 187,540,974 +19,156 3,722
Thu 2025-02-13 137,000 187,568,283 +27,309 3,722
Fri 2025-02-14 137,000 187,593,656 +25,373 3,723
Sat 2025-02-15 137,000 187,632,636 +38,980 3,726
Sun 2025-02-16 137,000 187,681,657 +49,021 3,727
Mon 2025-02-17 137,000 187,786,936 +105,279 3,727
Tue 2025-02-18 137,000 187,854,377 +67,441 3,728
Wed 2025-02-19 137,000 187,901,384 +47,007 3,728
Thu 2025-02-20 137,000 187,941,142 +39,758 3,728
Fri 2025-02-21 137,000 187,969,097 +27,955 3,729
Sat 2025-02-22 137,000 187,996,422 +27,325 3,730
(C) 2019-2025 by -
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