Dorien Leyers

Username: dorienleyers
Last update: 2024-02-25
Followers: 10,797
Following: 1,666
Event / TV Host & Moderator
🇪🇸 Teatro Español
🖼️ Art & History Lover
⚽️ Soccer Mom 👦🏼
Number of posts: 3
Number of posts (past 30 days): 0 (0 posts/day)
#249 most followed in Belgium .
#91 most followed female person in Belgium .

Most popular post:
Katleen... Lieve, geweldige, mooie, grappige, guitige, slimme, empathische, kleurrijke, zorgzame Katleen. Ik ben er kapot van dat jij er niet meer bent. Rust zacht, lieve schat. Ik hou van je. 💕🦋
(Date: 2023-10-20 07:18:09 Likes: 568 Comments: 59 Engagement: 5.8%)

Likes: 263 Comments: 9 Eng.: 2.5%

Likes: 250 Comments: 9 Eng.: 2.4%

Likes: 568 Comments: 59 Eng.: 5.8%

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